Denmark Western Australia
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Denmark, Western Australia

The Karri forests

Our last long trip away from our home which is based on the New South Wales Central Coast was to the Town of Denmark in the south west of Western Australia. Denmark is a small town of a few thousand people that sits next to the Wilson inlet in amongst the Karri forests that are native to the area.

It is also right in the middle of the Great Southern Wine growing region and has some of the best beaches I’ve ever seen in Australia. In addition to the obvious beach related pastimes of swimming, surfing and fishing, the coastal area also boasts whale watching from the shore during the migration season.

Away from the beach, the area has some very nice wineries producing cool climate wines as well as a selection of other boutique producers of high quality products such as cheese and toffee.

So, why did we decide to visit this particular town? Well, at this point I’m afraid I must profess that I’m a little biased. Denmark also happens to be the town where my parents decided to retire. Basically we were visiting family, regardless of this fact; I think I’d still want to visit the area as it does boast an awfully large range of things to do.

The vines

Now, the list of things covered in the pages relating to this trip are far from exhaustive, but I feel that they give a good cross section of the things to be found in the area. To see what Denmark and the Great Southern Wine Region have to offer you can use either our East and West interactive maps or the A to Z listing on the navigation bar at the top and bottom of this page.

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