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Waterfall Beach

Best For: Fishing and Picnics

The Waterfall

Like Greens Pool, Waterfall beach is found inside the William Bay national park.

It is found at the end of a 2km gravel road that starts at the Greens Pool car park and winds its way along the coast. About 500 meters from the end of the road, you pass a lookout on top of a hill that has a good view out over the ocean and is a good spot to stop and look for whales. Just a note of caution, if it hasn’t been graded for a while the road, while easily passable in any car can get very rough with corrugations.

The beach itself is just a short walk from the car park. It is a relatively short beach compared to most of the other beaches in the area and has a relatively steep drop off into the water making it a very good beach for fishing. It also has rocky outcrops at both ends that are good for rock fishing as well.

As the name implies, the beach is also home to a nice little waterfall formed where one of the small streams found throughout the area makes its way into the sea. The sand near the waterfall and stream makes a very nice picnic spot as the sand is mostly flat. As a side note, it’s also works quite well as a natural sort of shower to wash the salt off if you do go for a swim in the ocean. Be warned though. The water is very cold.

River flowing out to seaWhale seen from the lookout

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