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Parry Beach

Best for: Fishing, Camping, Surfing and Walking

Surfing at Back Beach

Found at the other end of the bay that is also home to Greens Pool, Parry’s is a 4WD accessible beach that is good for fishing and has a campsite pretty much on the waterfront. The beach itself is gently sloping with a shallow drop off into the water making it a reasonably safe place to swim and walk.

In addition to the main beach that is near the camp site there is also a second beach a short drive down a dirt track. Known as Back beach, this second beach has a much steeper drop off and has a lot of reef just below the water’s surface making it unsuitable for swimming, however with the way that it is exposed to more of the larger waves from the open ocean, it is very good for surfing.

Just a note of caution here, the track while generally in good condition has a few patches where you will need a 4WD to get through.

The coast between the two beaches is formed mostly of granite rocks that are easily passable on foot making it a nice walk between the beaches although you will need good footwear and balance for some of the trickier sections.

On the fishing front, you are a bit spoilt for choice. With the 4WD access being what it is you can fish pretty much anywhere on the main beach. This effectively gives you a few kilometres worth of beach fishing opportunities. In addition to this, there are also quite a few places on the rocks between the two beaches that are suitable for rock fishing and on the Back beach there are also several gaps in the reef where you can fish as well.

Also, during our visit we were lucky enough to see a few whales meandering past. We saw them from the beach which was good but the view wasn’t great because we were really a bit too low.

Whale seen from the beach   Fishing from the Beach   Cooking the fish we caught

Have you been to Parry Beach? Tell us what you think.

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1 comments so far (post your own)

great place.

Posted by karl on Friday, 16.05.14 @ 15:36pm

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