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Ocean Beach

Best for: Surfing, Fishing and Whale Watching

The inlet outflow

Where the Wilson inlet meets the sea, Ocean beach is a great place that allows many different activities. For a large part of the year the entry to the Wilson inlet is blocked off by a sand bank that naturally builds up over time. Then once the water level in the inlet builds up sufficiently the mouth of the inlet is opened allowing the inlet to drain out into the sea.

When the inlet is closed you have access to a huge beach that stretches for miles and is accessible by 4WD vehicles and ways down the beach are a couple of large sand dunes that are good for sand boarding. There is also a good surfing break and plenty of scope for fishing from both the beach and rocks.

Not far from the beach is a large camp site with all the facilities you could want and a quite elaborate kid’s entertainment area. In addition to this, if you drive up onto the headland there are some good lookouts where you can see whales swimming by during the migration season.

All in all, not a bad spot, the only thing I will say is that this beach and its surrounds have some of the biggest mosquitoes I’ve ever seen. Bug replant is definitely recommended.

Outlook over the Wilson Inlet  Looking back over the inlet entrance.   Looking down the beach from a hilltop lookout.

Reservations: Free Call 1800 641 122
Address - Ocean Beach Road Denmark WA 6333
Phone - (08) 9848 1105
Fax - (08) 9848 1106

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