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Estate 807

Estate 807

An all round nice relaxed place to have lunch is how I’d describe Estate 807. It can be found, imaginatively enough at 807 Scotsdale Rd in Denmark and is set on a hilly property that in addition to being their vineyard also has Sheep and Alpacas. It’s run by two guys, one of which primarily looks after the food with the other, who we also happened to run into at Greens Pool having an early morning swim mainly looking after wine tasting, coffee and lunch guests.

The menu, while simple was quite impressive for a one man show with all the dishes we tried being well cooked and having plenty of flavour. On the day, I had the Moroccan Lamb on a bed of Cous Cous followed by the Baked Cheesecake but between our table we managed to taste most of the things on the menu and it must be said I was pleasantly surprised by the consistency of the quality. In a similar vein, the wine we tasted was all pretty good however; the one disappointment was the fact that the red wine we wanted to taste wasn’t ready for release at the time. This is of course not their fault so we’ll have to swing by and try it on our next visit to the town.

Moroccan Lamb on a bed of Cous Cous

While the adults were quite happy to sit back, relax and enjoy the meal, the highlight for the kids came after lunch when the feed bucket came out. As I mentioned earlier, there is a flock of sheep on the farm with a number of Alpacas thrown in for protection from foxes. Apparently the Alpacas adopt the flock and will keep an eye out for and see off any foxes that get a bit close for comfort. Anyway, after lunch they will get the feed buckets out and you can go feed the Alpacas if you like. They are not quite as tame as the Alpacas in the Animal Park so you don’t want to get into the paddock with them but it’s still fun to feed them over the fence.

All in all we had a very nice afternoon at Estate 807, the service was good, the food was good and there was something extra for the kids so it had a tick in pretty much all the boxes for us.

Address: 807 Scotsdale Rd, Denmark, WA, 6333
Phone: 08 9840 9027

Feeding Alpacas
Going for a walk The Menu The cellar door

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