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The Bead Gallery

The Bead Gallery is located on the South Coast Hwy about half way between Old Kent River wines and the town of Walpole. The gallery itself is housed in what looks to be in the converted living and dining rooms of a farm house. Outside, there are nicely landscaped gardens containing quite a few fruit trees and the like. Overall, it has a very environmentally friendly feel.

Inside, the shop is divided into two sections. Firstly, there is the gallery section that contains a lot of finished bead work. Some of the pieces are very intricate and quite beautiful.

The second section contains the actual bead shop, here you can find a huge range of individual beads as well as a selection of bead kits that allow you to make your own bead jewellery.

Overall the prices seemed quite reasonable, we bought a bead work wall hanging and a kit with enough beads to make three pairs of earrings for $30 and as a bonus, they also had a basket outside full of free lemons that they had come off their tree. Not too bad for this kind of tourist area.

Address: 6405 South Coast Hwy, Nornalup WA 6333
Telephone: (08) 9840 1273

Have you been to the Bead Gallery? Tell us what you think.

Current Comments

1 comments so far (post your own)

I really enjoy stopping here everytime Im in the area. Theres a lot of variety and I get inspired by her jewellery and then am able to go off and make mine from the extensive stock. Worth a look at

Posted by Susette on Tuesday, 7.01.14 @ 13:01pm

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